
Lecture Notes

Bilingualer Unterricht

Teaching AI

Teaching AI

Artificial Intelligence may seem like magic to most people out there, and in fact, certain types of AI are based on intimidating mathematical concepts.

This poses significant challenges for both teachers and learners, which can lead to frustration. The truth is, however, that teaching the principles of how AI works "under the hood" can be adapted to any level of education. Here is a collection of my favorite resources that may help you and your students understand the concepts and ideas behind different topics in AI.

Please note that my personal, first-hand experience in teaching AI is primarily focused on vocational and higher education, particularly in the fields of information technology and computer science.

Online Courses and Tutorials

Elements of AI (auch in Deutscher Sprache)
AI Education at Google
CS50's Introduction to AI w/ Python (via edX / HarvardX)
Tutorial - Das Perzeptron (von

Tools for Learners

Orange Data Mining
Neural Network Playground (by TensorFLow)

Tutorials on YouTube

Introduction to Intelligence and Learning (by The Coding Train)
The Absolutely Simplest Neural Network Backpropagation Example
Attention is all you need explained (Transformers)

Link Collections

Liste mit Lehr- und Lernmaterial der TU Dresden


Russel, Stuart / Norvig, Peter (Pearson) (2022), Artificial Intelligence, 4th Edition, Harlow

An important look beyond the edge: AI Ethics and Philosophy

Justice (a free, entertaining, and brilliant Harvard course from Michael Sandel)
AI Ethics (MIT Press)
The Conscious Mind (MIT Press)